quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2007

Vestibular Verão 2007 - Biol.

Biológicas/Manhã – L. Port., Física e L. Estrang. Página 8 Prova A

_________Woman Dies During Liposuction at Home.
_________Adapted from: Centre Daily Times
_________URL Source:

  1. _________http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi? f=/n/a/2006/07/31/national/a083501D36.DTL
    Published: Jul 31, 2006
    Author: Associated Press
    Post Date: 2006-07-31 15:50:18 by Willie Green

Framingham, Mass. (AP) -- A couple who authorities say

performed liposuction in the basement of a home has been
charged with practicing medicine without a license after the
female patient died. Carlos Ribeira, 49, a native of Brazil

and his wife, Maria Ribeira, also 49, were arraigned in

district court on Monday following the death of a

24-year-old woman Sunday.

The Ribeiras pleaded not guilty. Ribeira was ordered

held on $250,000 cash bail. His wife was held on

$50,000 cash bail. Both were ordered to surrender their

passports. The Middlesex District Attorney's Office, which

is investigating the case, would not release the identity of the


An autopsy was to be performed Monday.
Authorities said the woman was unconscious when
she was brought to the hospital Sunday. She was
pronounced dead shortly after arriving at the hospital.
The district attorney's office said authorities believe

that Ribeira and his wife administered illegally obtained
drugs and performed the surgical procedure on the woman.
Neither Ribeira nor his wife are licensed to practice medicine

in Massachusetts. Police charged Ribeira with unauthorized
practice of medicine, drug possession and distribution,
and illegal possession of a hypodermic needle.

His wife was charged with unauthorized practice
of medicine and drug distribution. A spokeswoman for the
district attorney's office said she did not know what type of drugs.
Framingham, a town of about 67,000 about 20 miles west

of Boston, is home to an estimated 14,000 Brazilian

13 - Considerando o texto “Woman Dies During Liposuction

at Home”, é correto afirmar:
(001) Carlos Ribeira e Maria Ribeira pagaram um total de

300 mil dólares para a obtenção de passaportes falsos.
(002) Carlos Ribeira era médico legista e iria realizar uma

autópsia em sua própria esposa na segunda feira seguinte
à sua morte.
(004) Um médico brasileiro foi acusado, no estado de

Massachusetts, de posse ilegal de uma agulha hipodérmica.
(008) Aproximadamente, 14 mil brasileiros residem na

cidade de Framingham.
(016) Framingham é um bairro de maioria brasileira

no setor oeste de Boston.
(032) Maria foi acusada pela polícia por distribuição de

14 - De acordo com o texto “Woman Dies During Liposuction

at Home”, é correto afirmar:
(001) “his1” refere-se a um homem nascido no Brasil.
(002) “Both2” faz referência aos valores de 250 mil dólares

e 50 mil dólares.
(004) “their3” refere-se a Carlos e Maria.
(008) “patient4”, “the woman5” e “She6” referem-se a
uma jovem de 24 anos de idade.
(016) “Ribeira7” refere-se aos irmãos Ribeira.
(032) “she8” faz referência a Maria.

Biológicas/Manhã – L. Port., Física e L. Estrang.
Página 9 Prova A

15 - From the text “Woman Dies During Liposuction at
Home”, one may gather that
(001) Maria and Carlos were considered responsibles
for the death of a young woman.
(002) the Ribeiras were of the same age.
(004) the Ribeiras were not allowed to act as physicians

in the state of Massachusetts.
(008) the couple was not guilty as charged.
(016) both Ribeiras entered the country illegally.
(032) a female patient died in the basement of a house

where she was undergoing surgery.

Texto para as questões 16 e 17.

From: undisclosed_recipients@email.com
Date: 09/09/06 14:16:25
To: email_recipient@email.com
Subject: FW: tiger piggy pictures

Hi, Check out this story…

In a zoo in California, a mother tiger gave

birth to a rare set of triple tiger cubs. Unfortunately,
due to complications in the pregnancy, the cubs were
born prematurely and due to their tiny size, died shortly
after birth.
The mother tiger started to decline in health,
although physically she was fine. The veterinarians felt
that the loss of her litter had caused the tigress to fall into
a depression. The doctors decided that if the tigress could
surrogate another mother's cubs, perhaps she would
After checking with many other zoos across the
country, the depressing news was that there were no tiger
cubs of the right age to introduce to the mourning mother.

The veterinarians decided to try something that
had never been tried in a zoo environment. Sometimes a
mother of one species will take on the care of a different
The only "orphans" that could be found quickly
were a litter of wiener pigs. The zoo keepers and vets
wrapped the piglets in tiger skin and placed the babies
around the mother tiger.
What do you think? Would they become cubs
or pork chops?
Take a look at the picture below........ you won't
believe your eyes!!!!"

Biológicas/Manhã – L. Port., Física e L. Estrang.
Página 10 Prova A

  • 16 - Considerando o teor da correspondência eletrônica
  • tiger piggy pictures”, é correto afirmar:

(001) Uma tigresa, em um zoológico da Califórnia, abortou
três filhotes prematuros.
(002) Os veterinários tiraram três filhotes de uma ninhada
de leitoa e colocaram-nos para se alimentarem do leite
da tigresa.
(004) Os funcionários do zoológico e os veterinários
vestiram os leitõezinhos com pele de tigre.
(008) Os leitõezinhos foram colocados junto à tigresa
na esperança de que ela os adotasse e se recuperasse de
uma depressão.
(016) Uma tigresa de um zoológico da Califórnia pariu

três filhotes.
(032) O instinto materno de uma tigresa, em um zoológico

na Califórnia, fez com que ela adotasse dois leitões que
foram jogados em seu cercado e que deveriam servir-lhe

de alimento.

17 - Considerando o texto da correspondência eletrônica

  • “tiger piggy pictures”, é correto afirmar:
  • 001) “Unfortunately1” significa “commuita sorte/fortuna”.
  • (002) “tiny3” é o mesmo que “small” e o antônimo de “large”.
  • (004) “due to2” pode ser substituído por “because of”.
  • (008) “shortly4” é o antônimo de “tall” e sinônimo de “soon”.
  • (016) “fine5” é sinônimo de “thin” e o antônimo de “fat”.
  • (032) “perhaps6” e “Sometimes7” podem ser substituídos,
  • respectivamente, por “maybe” e “Occasionally”.

terça-feira, 10 de abril de 2007


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__________________Wait, Please!