quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2007

UEMS - 2006. English.

Vestibular UEMS - 2006.


  • The text below is mentioned to questions 15, 16 and 17.
  • Porto Seguro: How to Get There.
  • “This trek ……… as ‘Trilha do Descobrimento
  • and due to the remote places visited, with no infrastructure
  • at all, the eco-tourism agencies usually
  • ……… trip packages only during the summer and
  • depending ……… the number of people interested.
  • But, of course, if you have ……… own group formed,
  • the agencies can arrange a trip for you.
  • The prices ……… vary depending on the
  • transport used (bus, airplane or jeep) and the number
  • of days. The accommodation is done in tents and the
  • meals are included. If you want an adventure on your
  • own, check out the costs for the transportation to
  • Porto Seguro.” (Speak up, July,2000)
  • QUESTÃO 15
  • Choose the correct alternative that fits the text above:
  • a) Have known – offers – of – yours – would
  • b) Has known – offered – in – it – will
  • c) Is known – offer – on – your – may
  • d) Are known – is offering – at – his – should
  • e) Had known – are offering – to – their – must
  • QUESTÃO 16
  • According to the text, trip packages to Porto Seguro
  • are offered:
  • a) Throughout the year
  • b) In the sunny season
  • c) Only to individuals
  • d) At a unique price
  • e) With excellent infra-structure
  • QUESTÃO 17
  • These packages do not include:
  • a) Accommodation in tents
  • b) Visits to far-reaching places
  • c) Transportation to and from Porto Seguro
  • d) Tours on boats
  • e) Eco-tourism
  • The text below is mentioned to questions 18, 19
  • and 20.
  • Learning How to Behave
  • Most people are unaware they possess a quite
  • remarkable skill, which is usually overlooked because
  • it is exercised daily, and in the most ordinary
  • contexts. But without it, our lives would be unfulfilled
  • and empty. It is the ability to relate to others, to
  • encourage them in conversation, to operate as social
  • and sociable individuals and to develop both shortterm
  • and long-term relationships ___(1)___. We are
  • not born with this ability. There is nothing wired into
  • the human brain that provides us with set responses
  • to social situations. To perform effectively in a world
  • ___(2)___, encounters and relationships, we have to
  • learn what to do.
  • Small babies, as any parent will remember, are
  • among the least sociable beings ___(3)___. They are
  • totally demanding, utterly selfish and scream with
  • rage if their every whim is not immediately satisfied.
  • Somehow this unlikely raw material is transformed
  • over the years into a being which relies for its survival
  • on being able to form reciprocal bonds with others
  • and to follow complex rules ___(4)___. The
  • monstrous infant becomes the caring, responsible
  • adult whose life experiences revolve around both the
  • joys and pains, the giving and receiving, of
  • friendships and other relationships. It is this
  • remarkable transformation which is the central
  • characteristic of being human.
  • QUESTÃO 18
  • The blanks 1, 2, 3, and 4 complement each other with
  • the following sentences:
  • I. that govern every aspect of its social life.
  • II. that relies so heavily on social interaction.
  • III. that you could imagine.
  • IV. which lies at the heart of our very existence as
  • human beings.
  • 6
  • Choose the alternative that corresponds to the
  • sequence obtained in the association above:
  • a) IV – II – III – I
  • b) II – I – III – IV
  • c) I – II – III – IV
  • d) III – I – IV – II
  • e) IV – I – III – II
  • QUESTÃO 19
  • “Somehow this unlikely raw material is transformed
  • over the years into a being...” This phrase refers to
  • the:
  • a) Babies
  • b) Parents
  • c) Adults
  • d) Monstrous adults
  • e) Selfish
  • QUESTÃO 20
  • “We are not born with this ability”. Which ability does
  • the text refer to?
  • a) The ability to understand our brain.
  • b) The ability to get along socially well with other
  • people.
  • c) The ability to understand effectivily the world.
  • d) The ability to practice our talents daily.
  • e) The ability to find adequate people for us to
  • relate.
  • QUESTÃO 21
  • Understand the text that follows and designates
  • the correct alternative:
  • No, I don't look on it as immoral. They go home to
  • their nice little house, don't they, after I've taken their
  • wallet off them? They sit in front of their television all
  • comfortable on their sofa. Where's my television set, I
  • ask you? Where are my sofa and armchairs, no
  • matter how many cheap little wallets I might ever
  • happen to steal?
  • But I never hurt anyone. Never. Not if I can help it.
  • If I do hit a person because he tries to have a go at
  • me, I'm really gentle. I smack him about a bit. I try to
  • get him on the ground, and then I kick him a little bit
  • just to keep him laying there while I get away...They
  • deserve it, anyway – everything they get and more.
  • They think they're so superior when you first come up
  • to them.
  • (Excerto de Entrevista – Daily Mail)
  • The chunk to have a go at (3rd paragraph) may be
  • understood as _________.
  • a) to confess
  • b) to report
  • c) to humiliate
  • d) to betray
  • e) to react
  • Língua Inglesa: Extol.

  • 15. C
  • 16. B
  • 17. D
  • 18. A
  • 19. A
  • 20. B
  • 21. E


Teacher: S@ndra.